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Getting ready

Does it feel like we all lost power and our lives were on pause due to the unknown ? I feel since normalcy ( what is our own normal ) is weaning back, that we are all rushing to get ahead again. PPSS POST PANADEMIC STRESS SYNDROME has kicked in for me! Feelings of disbelief of last year, feelings of anger , andddd feelings of gratitude all crumbled into one . tensions of the mask

tensions of unemployment

tension of the unknown

tension of loss of confidence due to loss of hope

soooo many emotions . Lets ALL create our own balance and give ourselves 3 gifts to ourselves that make us happy , calm , and eager again. after my alarm goes off ( personalize your alarm to your fave song ) mine is “ happy” by pherrell . I push myself to boil the lemon water , roll my face with the Skinny Confidential cold roller hot mess, sign up for Bria Method work out, walk the dog thennnn enjoy coffee after all those self giving tasks that I enjoy and have become part of me.

I do it to create balance For me . write a letter or card to someone that comes to your mind and write a hello FNR

letter. ( for no reason ) after all we usually only get bills and ads in the mail . Make someone else feel good and you will feel good .

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